EESP Lecture: "Transformation of Foreign Policy Priorities in the Eastern Partnership region

Event information
Venue:FIU - MMC - ZEB Building - ZEB 110


Dr. Ruben Elamiryan, Visiting Fulbright Scholar,Princeton University will make a presentation on "Transformation of Foreign Policy Priorities in the Eastern Partnership region: Revolutions,Democratization, and the "trap" of neorealism"

ImageRuben Elamiryan is a Visiting Fulbright Scholar at Princeton University. The topic of the 11-month research is “Eastern Partnership Countries on the Cross-Roads of the Eurasian Geopolitics (USA, EU, Russia, China)”. He is an assistant professor attached to the Chair of Political Governance and Public Policy at Public Administration Academy of the Republic of Armenia and lecturer at Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) university. He holds a PhD in Political Science.

Areas of specialization: International Relations, Geopolitics, International Security, and Cyber security.

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