European Film Series - French Historical Documentary on WWI: "Apocalypse"

Event information
Venue:FIU - MMC - Graham Center - GC 150

French Historical Documentary on WWI: "Apocalypse"

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Synopsis of Episode 1: "FURY"
November 11, 1918, 11am in the morning. Suddenly there is silence. Canadian soldier George Price, broke that one of the last killed an immense carnage that claimed nearly 10 million lives in the military 9 million civilians and 21 million wounded.

How did we get here? What is the origin of this fury that will take over the world for four years? That will ruin the country and bring about the fall of empires? At the beginning of the twentieth century, Europe is still the Belle Epoque. But June 28, 1914 in Sarajevo of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, was assassinated. The event, set fire to the powder of the old national and patriotic resentment of European monarchies. Large industrial prefer probably armed conflict in the latent rising from a working class. A few weeks after the attack in Sarajevo, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia and active so the game of alliances between states. The departure of the troops into battle is the mirror of a collective unconsciousness that think the war will be short and glorious. In August 1914, the Germans are not far from Paris. Their victory seems close, and enthusiasm becomes fear.

Synopsis Episode 2: FEAR August 27, 1933: East Prussia. Hitler and Goering, 14/18 veterans pay tribute to Marshal von Hindenburg, in the context of the enormous monument to the Battle of Tannenberg. Hitler said, "Tannenberg is a symbol. It was there, in 1914, that has played the fate of Germany. "To Hindenburg, this battle was twenty years ago, the most important moment of his life and the first World War. While the Russians advance in Prussian territory, causing a mass exodus of German populations fleeing combat zones. Hindenburg stops at Tannenberg. In the West, the German breakthrough was stopped in extremis by the French at the Battle of the Marne. Once each army had tried, unsuccessfully, to outflank the enemy, the Western Front and attaches buries the North Sea to Switzerland. Further south, Italians, Turks (Ottomans then) also fall in the conflict. British and French allies then call on their empire: Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, Senegalese, Moroccans, Algerians, Annamite engage in war. The fire is now global. The bleeding seems inevitable. Battlegrounds are a living hell.