MFJMCE Conversations of Europe: The Artistic Exploration and Negotiation of Irish Nationalism

Event information

For the first installment of Conversations on Europe for Spring 2023, join us and the University of Pittsburgh for an interactive virtual roundtable discussion on what to expect in the Artistic Exploration and Negotiation of Irish Nationalism in the Context of EU Membership.

Ireland's relationships with Europe have safeguarded features of national identity from the early twentieth century to present as the region negotiated its long-standing and historically fraught relationship with the United Kingdom. In recent years, Ireland's role in the EU has further solidified these regional relationships as a counterpoint to its tangled politics with the UK, especially in complex concepts of national identity in Northern Ireland. In the midst of ongoing political tumult in the UK and the complexity of Britain's extraction from the EU through Brexit, what does Irish nationalism look like today north and south of the border?

Conversation on Europe: "Artistic Exploration and Negotiation of Irish Nationalism in the Context of EU Membership and the Complications of Brexit”

Moderator: Jennifer Keating, Department of English, University of Pittsburgh


ImageGarrett Carr
Senior Lecturer, School of Arts, English and Languages
The Senator George J Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice
Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland

ImageJon Carson

Artist and Professor Emeritus
Carnegie Mellon School of Art

ImageMairead McClean
Artist and Filmmaker
from Bath, England and Northern Ireland

ImageEve Patten
Director, Trinity Long Room Hub
Co-director of the MPhil in Irish Writing in Trinity
Vice Chair of the Royal Irish Academy Committee for Irish Literatures in English School of English
Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

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► This event is free but you need to RSVP at and register here

► For any further information, please contact Christine I. Caly-Sanchez

This event will be recorded and you will be able to watch it at the following link:

Hosted by European Studies Center, a Jean Monnet European Union Center of Excellence at the University of Pittsburgh

Co-sponsors and participating centers: The Miami-Florida Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at Florida International University, the Center for European Studies at the University of Florida, The Center for European Studies at the University of Texas - Austin; the Center for European and Transatlantic Studies at Georgia Tech, and the European Union Center at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union