Webinar CEUCE: Future of the EU After the Coronavirus

Event information

The European & Eurasian Studies Program and the Miami-Florida Jean Monnet Center of Excellenceat at FIU would like to share this virtual event from the Colorado European Union Center of Excellence, University of Colorado Boulder.

"Future of the EU After the Coronavirus: Cohesion, Solidarity and Thickening of Integration"


What are the changes to our vision of the EU in the wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic? How will the EU help its member states to recover from the emerging crisis and strengthen their competitiveness globally? How will the EU manage to maintain its ambitious agenda, particularly the European Green Deal, while in the short run focusing on the recovery. What will be the role of the EU in rebuilding international cooperation and global governance, particularly regarding those global institutions which were most hit by the deterioration in multilateralism, such as the WTO and WHO. Can we restore trust and strengthen solidarity within the EU and address the main issues of European integration, such as completing the architecture of Economic and Monetary Union, protecting privacy while promoting the development of modern data-intensive technologies?


  • István Székely, Principal Advisor, DG ECFIN, EU Fellow University of Colorado
  • Ignacio Garcia Bercero, Director in DG Trade and EU Fellow at Oxford
  • Karen Vandekerckhove, Head of Unit, DG Justice and Consumers, EU Fellow UC Berkley
  • Guntram B.Wolff, Director of Bruegel an Economics Think Tank in Brussels. His expertise is European Economy and Governance, and Global Macroeconomics and Finance

Moderator: Felicia Naranjo Martinez, Executive Director, Colorado European Union Center of Excellence

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