Lecture on "The European and Spanish policy concerning the Mediterranean region"

Event information
Venue:FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus, GL 220

ImageLecture on "The European and Spanish policy concerning the Mediterranean region: towards a revitalization of the Euro-Mediterranean relations" By Prof. Antonio Blanc Altemir, Catedràtic de Dret Internacional Públic i Relacions Internacionals; Director de la Càtedra i del Centre d’Excel.lència Europeu Jean Monnet

Prof. Blanc Altemir will give a lecture on the European and Spanish policies regarding the Mediterranean area, including the refugee crisis, the impact of the recent Spanish elections, and other regionally important issues.

To view Prof. Antonio Blanc Altemir's bio in Spanish, click here

This event is co-sponsored by Co-sponsored by the European and Eurasian Studies Program and the Spanish & Mediterranean Studies program

The lecture will be in Spanish

To view flyer, click here